Wednesday, November 9, 2011

6 in One Rider Carrier

6 in One Rider Carrier Review

6 in One Rider Carrier Feature

  • 6 on One Rider the most versatile carrier.
  • Six carriers in One.
  • Baby faces in or out.
  • BackPack options.
  • For usein: carseat, chair, shopping cart.
The 6 in One Rider is the most versatile frameless carrier for the convenience needs of a modern parent and the comfort needs of a baby. This design combines advanced features, quality, and style, usually only found in high end deluxe models. Adjusts to six different positions quickly and easily. Removable straps allow mom to put a sleeping baby in a car seat without disturbing baby's nap. Turns most chairs into a baby seat. Fits in a shopping cart so baby is comfy and secure. Backpack feature makes it comfortable to carry a bigger baby. Up to 35 pounds. Baby can face in. and bigger babies can face out. Suitable for newborns and children weighing 8 - 35 lbs.

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